Supported Application List

Last update: 03/03/2023

Application Name Manufacturer Available Languages Supported Architecture
AIR Adobe EN x86
Digital Editions Adobe EN x86
Flash Player Plugin Adobe EN x86
Flash Player Uninstaller Adobe EN x86
Reader DC Adobe EN x86
Reader DC Adobe MUI x86
JDK with Hotspot LTS AdoptOpenJDK EN x64
JDK with Hotspot LTS AdoptOpenJDK EN x86
JRE with Hotspot LTS AdoptOpenJDK EN x64
JRE with Hotspot LTS AdoptOpenJDK EN x86
iTunes Apple EN x64
Files Citrix EN x64
Workspace App Citrix EN x86
Workspace App LTSR Citrix EN x86
KeePass Password Safe Dominik Reichl EN x86
Paint.NET dotPDN LLC EN x64
Foxit Reader Foxit Software EN x86
Chrome Google EN x64
Chrome Google EN x86
Drive File Stream Google EN x86
Greenshot Greenshot EN x86
7-Zip Igor Pavlov EN x64
IrfanView Irfan Skiljan EN x64
Mega Codec Pack K-Lite EN x86
WinSCP Martin Prikryl EN x86
Azure Information Protection Microsoft EN x86
Azure Information Protection UL Client Microsoft EN x86
Edge Microsoft EN x64
Power BI Desktop Microsoft EN x64
PowerShell 7 Microsoft EN x64
PowerShell 7 Microsoft EN x86
Remote Desktop Microsoft EN x64
Remote Desktop Microsoft EN x86
Silverlight (exe) Microsoft EN x64
Silverlight (exe) Microsoft EN x86
Visual Studio Code Microsoft EN x64
Firefox Mozilla EN x64
Firefox Mozilla EN x86
Firefox ESR Mozilla EN x64
Firefox ESR Mozilla EN x86
Notepad++ Notepad++ Team EN x64
Notepad++ Notepad++ Team EN x86
Opera Opera Software EN x64
Java Runtime Environment 8 Oracle EN x64
Java Runtime Environment 8 Oracle EN x86
SeaMonkey SeaMonkey e.V EN x64
SeaMonkey SeaMonkey e.V EN x86
Putty Simon Tatham EN x64
Putty Simon Tatham EN x86
LibreOffice The Document Foundation MUI x64
Gimp The Gimp Team EN x64
Gimp The Gimp Team MUI x64
FileZilla Client Tim Kosse EN x64
VLC Media Player VideoLAN EN x64
VLC Media player VideoLAN EN x86
Everything Lite voidtools MUI x64
Everything Lite voidtools MUI x86
Everything voidtools MUI x64
Everything voidtools MUI x86
Zoom Zoom EN x86

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